
Changes in life situation or season may also necessitate a change in supplement routine. A different workout every day challenges different muscle groups. Eating different fruits and vegetables every day provides a wide range of nutrients. When it comes to fitness and nutrition, we usually realize that variety and diversity is good. But what about the supplement routine? The short answer: it depends. Here are the four most important reasons to rethink your supplement routine.  

1. change of seasons

The change of seasons is the perfect time to put our health to the test and consider what we can do to keep fit and healthy. Then a revision of the supplement routine may also make sense. After all, what may be helpful during one season may not be necessary during another. You can experiment with adjusting your supplement routine and see how your body responds.


When you think of spring, images of melting snow, chirping birds and an ever greener and more vibrant landscape probably come to mind. Unfortunately, for many people, these beautiful pictures also go hand in hand with the dreaded hay fever.

Natural immune booster

If you suffer from a pollen allergy, you now need immune boosters with natural antihistamines such as zinc and vitamin C, e.g. in the Ogaenics Body Guard Immunity Complex. This also contains beta-glucans from maitake mushrooms. Studies show that these regulate or normalize blood sugar, regulate the immune system and lower blood cholesterol levels. Other studies have demonstrated a link between zinc deficiency and hay fever. Therefore, the combination in Body Guard is ideal for allergy sufferers.

The supplement routine for spring


Natural antioxidants

Spending many hours on the beach may be good for your vitamin D and inflammation levels, but not so helpful for your skin. Because the sun is the biggest enemy of the skin’s own collagen and damages it permanently. So, in order to avoid looking old at the end of summer, existing collagen should be protected with important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These include vitamin C, silicon and OPC, as well as a special melon extract with SOD. The optimal combination of these nutrients can be found in the Ogaenics Beauty Fuel Skin Radiance Complex, naturally in clinically effective doses.


Summer also brings more rosé, ice cream and other treats that are not so good for the gut. The result is often flatulence, digestive problems and weight gain. Enjoy life in the summer, but always remember to take a good probiotic before bed and you will feel better. It helps to regulate digestion, prevent flatulence and quickly eliminate all toxins from the body, as they are excreted through the stool. Perfectly matched to a daily intake in the summer is the Love Your Gut Daily Biotic Complex.

The supplement routine for summer

Autumn and winter

Autumn brings us less sunlight, cool nights, lots of rain and the flu season. Not only that, we feel low on energy and unmotivated, get sniffles regularly. There are therefore some supplements that are particularly suitable for the fall and winter months.

Vegetable vitamin D

The range of effective supplements you should include in your routine now definitely includes the immune booster vitamin D. The sunshine vitamin only occurs naturally in small amounts in foods such as salmon, mackerel, eggs and milk and the body can only synthesize vitamin D in the skin if there is sufficient sunlight. In the fall, however, there is less daylight and less opportunity to be outdoors. Therefore, it is recommended to take a dietary supplement to reach the minimum recommended intake of 1,000 I.U. per day. Taking vitamin D supplements such as Hello Sunshine or Hello Sunshine plus K2 can help to strengthen your bones and increase the feel-good hormones in your brain.

Natural vitamin C high dose

Vitamin C helps to build up the immune system and strengthen it in the fall. It also reduces oxidative stress and protects against free radicals. It was once thought that increased vitamin C intake would prevent one from getting sick, but this has never been proven. However, it is known to help illnesses subside faster when you are sick. Taking 200 mg of vitamin C a day can help reduce the symptoms of colds and flu and boost your energy. Taking food supplements such as Healthy Kick Plant-Based Vitamin C provides you with optimum support.

Vegetable omega-3 fatty acids

In fall and winter, the skin may also need support. This threatens to dry out more than usual in colder temperatures and wind. To strengthen the skin barrier, omega fatty acids are ideal now. They trap moisture in the skin. If you don’t get enough of them from your diet, they should be supplemented. The Ogaenics Oilalala Skin Omega Complex is the vegetarian version with omega fatty acids, vitamin E and A from sea buckthorn oil, packed with 130 mg ALA, 100 mg linoleic acid, 300 mg of the rare palmitoleic acid and 180 mg oleic acid.


From the age of forty, it is advisable to integrate the Timeless Skin Anti-Wrinkle Complex into your winter supplement routine. This moisturizing supplement helps to improve and strengthen the skin barrier. It locks in moisture for a smooth, radiant complexion with fewer wrinkles. Timeless Skin is packed with rejuvenating phytoceramides that improve skin hydration and elasticity for a radiant look and smoother, firmer skin – not just in the cold season.

The supplement routine for autumn and winter

2. change of diet

If you have recently changed your diet and have suddenly stopped eating a whole group of foods, you will definitely need a dietary supplement.

Refrain from cereals: B vitamins

Diets such as paleo/ketogenic and low carb, all of which involve largely avoiding grains, can lead to a B vitamin deficiency. Therefore, a vitamin B complex should be incorporated into the supplement routine as a preventive measure (e. g. B.
B-Happy vitamin B complex).

Avoiding dairy products: Calcium and magnesium

Although a dairy-free diet is good for inflammation in the body, it can lead to a calcium and magnesium deficit. Therefore, dietary supplementation for calcium and magnesium should be considered here (e. g. B.
B. Bone Nanza Calcium Complex and Calm A Lama Plant-based Magnesium).

Vegetarian: multivitamin or iron and vitamin B12 individually

As soon as you follow a vegetarian diet or simply eat less meat than usual, you should keep a close eye on your vitamin B12 and iron intake. This is where a good multivitamin that contains both nutrients such as Mrs. Do-It-All can help. You can naturally supplement iron and vitamin B12 separately, for example with Iron Maid Plant-Based Iron and Green Energy Plant-Based Vitamin B12.

The supplements for dietary changes

3. stressful phase of life

If deadlines, relationship drama, bad news or just everyday life suddenly pushes you to the limit, certain supplements can help you to feel better and maintain your balance.

Vegetable magnesium

As increased adrenaline and cortisol levels under stress are often associated with low magnesium levels, it makes sense to take more magnesium (e.g.
Calm A Lama Plant-based Magnesium).

Natural adaptogens and B vitamins

High doses of B vitamins also help to reduce stress after 90 days, as one study found. When the B vitamins are combined with adaptogens like Ahwaghanda or Tulsi, it is even better. This is because adaptogens restore balance in the body. They are a unique class of medicinal plants that support hormonal balance and protect the body from a variety of diseases, including those caused by stress (e.g. in the as in the Adapto Genie Balancing Complex)


Stress is also not good for intestinal health and has a negative effect on the intestinal flora. Therefore, during stress, the intestines should also always be supported with a good daily probiotic, e.g. Love Your Gut Daily Biotic complex.

The supplement routine for stressful phases of life

4. hormone changes

If one or more hormones are suddenly imbalanced, this can have a major impact on your health and well-being. The fact that hormone levels change regularly is completely normal and triggers various events. But stress and trauma can also affect hormone levels. The transition to a new phase of life also changes hormone levels, e.g. the menopause in women.


The thyroid gland controls the body’s metabolism and many other important functions. The body also needs thyroid hormones for proper bone and brain development during pregnancy and infancy.


Thyroid hormones are made from iodine, so too little iodine can impair the production of these hormones. In our product Help From Kelp you will find iodine from organic algae to support hormone production. In the case of hyperthyroidism, however, additional iodine should be avoided.

Vegan magnesium

Magnesium is also a very important mineral for the thyroid gland. It helps convert the less active thyroid hormone T4 into the more active T3. A natural magnesium supplement with optimal bioavailability can be found in the Calm A Lama Plant-Based Magnesium from organic algae.

Vegan Vitamin B12

Around 30 percent of all people with thyroid problems also need more vitamin B12 in their diet; vitamin B12 comes from meat and dairy products. It helps keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA, the genetic material in all cells. Try Green Energy Plant-Based Vitamin B12, which is vegan and made entirely from organic shiitake mushrooms.

The supplement routine for the thyroid gland


In women of fertile age, the most common hormonal imbalance is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a group of symptoms that affect the ovaries and ovulation. Its three main features are cysts in the ovaries, high levels of male hormones and irregular or absent periods. Unfortunately, there are no supplements that can directly help here. However, certain nutrients can positively support certain symptoms of this disease. There is also evidence that certain nutrients are deficient in women with PCOS and should be balanced.

Vegetable vitamin D

A study carried out at the University of Graz in Austria showed that almost three out of four women with PCOS have a vitamin D deficiency. This fits with the fact that up to 70 percent of women with PCOS have insulin resistance, because vitamin D supports insulin secretion and activity. A good supply of vitamin D should therefore be ensured.

Natural magnesium

Magnesium is also an important co-factor in sugar metabolism and is therefore helpful for PCOS. It helps control insulin secretion. Without magnesium, glucose is unable to enter the cells. This important mineral helps in the proper transport of potassium, calcium and other nutrient ions across cell membranes. Contained in Calm A Lama Plant-Based Magnesium in an optimally bioavailable form.

Plant B vitamins

If you are taking medication such as Metformin for sugar metabolism, you will also need extra B vitamins. You can find this either in a good multivitamin or in higher doses in our B-Happy vitamin B complex.

Vegan omega 3 fatty acids

Women with PCOS often also have increased levels of inflammation in the body. Are you one of them? Omega fatty acids and vitamin E can then have a supporting effect (in our Oilalala Skin Omega Complex).


The powerful anti-inflammatory turmeric(in our Tame The Flame Turmeric Complex) and the active ingredient curcumin it contains fights inflammation at the molecular level by blocking a molecule that travels to the cell nuclei and switches on genes involved in inflammation. So if you have PCOS, turmeric can support the body.

The supplement routine for PCOS

Birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy

Birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy are a major intervention in the body’s natural balance and can also impair the absorption and utilization of nutrients in the body. Therefore, you should make sure that you consume enough of these nutrients. To start with the birth control pill can deprive the body of several B vitamins (B2, B6, B12 and folic acid), vitamin C, magnesium and zinc. And because birth control pills are often taken for long periods of time, even subtle effects can add up. However, a good multivitamin in combination with magnesium should be enough to keep you from having problems. Incidentally, hormone replacement therapy uses the same hormones as the birth control pill, but in different dosages and proportions. Therefore, this advice applies to you as well.

The supplement routine when taking the pill or hormone replacement therapy.


During the menopause, the body’s own production of the hormone oestrogen decreases. Hot flushes, night sweats and insomnia are the result.

Natural calcium

Oestrogen also controls the absorption of calcium into the bones, so it is particularly important to do something about bone health now. Because now there is a risk of a calcium deficiency due to hormones. Therefore, this mineral for healthy bones, teeth should not be missing from your supplement shopping list. In a plant-based, highly bioavailable form, you’ll find it in Ogaenics Bone Nanza Calcium Complex from algae. Since vitamin D and magnesium are also indispensable for calcium metabolism, both nutrients are included here at the same time. Add this supplement to your morning routine like brushing your teeth.

Plant B vitamins

Problems with memory and clear thinking, i.e. cognition, can also increase at this time and can be frustrating or perhaps even a little frightening. But this is also completely normal during menopause. Low estrogen levels are also responsible for this, leading to a decrease in serotonin and dopamine levels. This entails memory loss, poor concentration and a short attention span. A good vitamin B complex with a high dosage of vitamin B3, B6 and folic acid helps, for example, Ogaenics B-Happy Vitamin B Complex from organic plants.

The supplement routine during menopause

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