
Vaginal dryness can have many reasons – but there is a natural solution

Vaginal dryness is a common problem that affects many women, but is often not adequately discussed due to shame or ignorance. In this blog article, we would like to provide information about the causes, symptoms and treatment options of vaginal dryness to help women recognize this problem and address it appropriately. Because vaginal dryness is definitely not a fate you have to live with!

What is vaginal dryness?

Vaginal dryness is a lack of adequate moisture and lubrication in the vagina. Normally, the vagina produces natural secretions that provide healthy moisture. With vaginal dryness, this natural lubrication is compromised, which can lead to itching, irritation, pain and discomfort.

Causes of vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness can be caused by several factors. We’ve given you a comprehensive list of possible triggers.

  1. Menopause: Hormonal changes during menopause can lead to a decrease in estrogen levels, which reduces natural moisture production in the vagina.
  2. Hormonal changes: In addition to menopause, other hormonal changes in the body, such as those that occur during the menstrual cycle, can also temporarily cause vaginal dryness.
  3. Lactation: During lactation, estrogen levels may be lower, resulting in a temporary decrease in vaginal moisture.
  4. Pregnancy: Hormonal changes may occur during pregnancy, which may cause temporary vaginal dryness.
  5. Medications: Certain medications, such as antidepressants, antihistamines, medications used to treat high blood pressure, or hormonal contraceptives, can cause vaginal dryness as a side effect.
  6. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy: Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy can damage the delicate vaginal lining and cause vaginal dryness.
  7. Stress and anxiety: Emotional factors such as stress and anxiety can affect hormone balance and lead to vaginal dryness.
  8. Sjögren’s syndrome: an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the body’s own glands can also affect moisture production in the vagina.
  9. Douching: using harsh cleansers or douches in the vagina can remove the vagina’s natural protective layer and cause dryness.
  10. Smoking: Smoking can impair blood flow to the vagina and lead to a decrease in natural moisture.
  11. Allergies and irritants: certain allergens or irritating substances such as fragrances, intimate sprays or certain detergents can irritate the vaginal mucosa and cause dryness.
  12. Dehydration: inadequate fluid intake can affect overall hydration of the body, including vaginal hydration.
  13. Vaginal infections: Certain vaginal infections, such as yeast or bacterial infections, can affect vaginal moisture and cause dryness.
  14. Stress and anxiety: Emotional stress and anxiety can affect hormone balance and lead to impaired vaginal moisture.

Relief of vaginal dryness and mucous membrane symptoms

The use of moisturizing creams is an important treatment option for vaginal dryness. Creams containing small amounts of estrogen are one option, but non-hormonal therapies may be more appropriate for some women. Especially in women with breast cancer, because estrogen can promote the growth and spread of some cancer cells.


A non-hormonal solution for treating vaginal dryness is sea buckthorn oil, which supports normal mucosal function. Clinical studies have shown that sea buckthorn oil can improve the condition of the vaginal mucosa in menopausal women.

Oilalala Skin Omega Complex capsules from Ogaenics with organic sea buckthorn oil from the Himalayas contain abundant essential omega fatty acids, vitamin E and carotenoids which are precursors of vitamin A. Vitamin A promotes the well-being of mucous membranes, while vitamin E protects cells from oxidative stress. Taking sea buckthorn oil as a dietary supplement strengthens mucous membranes and this effect is probably due to the combined action of all the above components.

Clinically proven efficacy of sea buckthorn oil for vaginal dryness

In a study involving 116 postmenopausal women with vaginal dryness, it was shown that sea buckthorn oil with omega 7 has the following effect.

  • Improvement of the vaginal mucosa by about 50% compared to placebo.

  • Improvement of vaginal dryness by > 30%.

Since the vaginal pH and the maturation of epithelial cells is not affected, the sea buckthorn oil with omega 7 has no estrogenic effect.

In the course of the study, the participants took 3,000 mg of sea buckthorn oil or placebo oil daily for vaginal dryness (equivalent to 3x 2 capsules of Oilalala per day). [1]

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[1] Larmo, P., Yang, B., Hyssälä, J., Kallio, H. and Erkkola, R. (2014). Effects of sea buckthorn oil intake on vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Maturitas, [online] 79(3), pp.316-321.

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